“Since then you have been raised with Christ in God, set your hearts on things above. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”
Colossians 3:1-4
The redemptive love story of Jesus Christ is the overarching story of my life. It’s the benchmark, against which everything in my life must be measured. All my experiences, relationships, opportunities, questions, desires, challenges…go back to this story.

“…and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.”
John 10:3
The gospel is as personal as it gets. It centers on a compassionate and just God who shows great concern for his people on an individual basis. There is nothing mechanical or routine about the way the Father relates to his children. Glory to God for anything good in my story.

My incredible momma, Donna Vaughn, is the Pre-K director in Paris, Tennessee. She spreads the love of Christ week after week with children and their parents. Every Monday morning, she has around thirty little ones for a time called Story Hour.

I am forever amazed by her pure love for God, her simple appreciation of the good, her ability to listen (I mean really listen), her care for the children she teaches, her commitment to FBC, Paris, her faithfulness to our family, her wisdom, and her constant prayers. Throughout my life she has encouraged me to express myself and to this day, she always wants to know my story. So, I do know of one person reading this right now…Momma, thank you. I love you! :)
i found your weblog via facebook update. i added you to my links, so i hope that is okay. i started one of these things back in january, but i am bad at keeping it updated.
anyways, your writing is beautiful, just like your heart!
oh, and btw, this is allison johnson, haha.
hey acv! long lost cuz cuz here! i enjoyed reading your entries. keep them coming...love ya
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