Sunday, April 13, 2008

African violets and a Reese's cup

A couple weeks ago, I got a bummer email from school. I had planned to study in Europe this summer through one of their programs, but they ended up canceling the trip. Ya know, I was just so excited about it…and then one day, just a couple months from the departure date, I check my email and with one click—bam—the bad news hit me like a smack in the face. I shed a few tears right there at work.

I’m interested to see what does lie ahead for the summer…but one thing is certain, God knows. He’s already got that worked out and his plan is surely better than what I had going. I just want to be at his service. This story is completely unfinished, but praise God…here’s how he comforted me in my little moment of disappointment…

The day after that message, Melanie, the quirky graphic designer, comes in to the office, with a cute little African violet plant and places it on my desk along with a Reese’s cup (my favorite). Before I could say anything, she pointed outside at the pouring rain and said (in Mel fashion), “Uh, look outside, uh, even the sky is sad about your trip.”

This is just one example of what I mean when I say I love the creativity of God. Thank you, Lord, for spurring us on with such a range of expressions of your love and compassion. Sometimes it’s a word aptly spoken and at other times it’s a hug or a smile or just the presence of a friend. Many times it’s a jewel from the Scriptures. God, thank you for Mel and the flowering plant and the Reese’s. I trust you with my life, and that includes this summer. Thank you for your faithful love.

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